Competent Solutions for Complex Situations

We Turn Our Expertise Into Your Results

Using our uniquely broad and deep expertise, we look at your full-picture and zoom into custom solutions that deliver practical results tailored to your business needs.   The value we offer impacts your bottom line at two levels:

  • Preserving Your Success: Building infrastructure, avoiding liability, problem-solving, and protecting your company’s reputation as an employer.
  • Increasing Your Success: Developing the mindset inside your company that becomes the brand you want to have outside, attracting talent, developing leaders, optimizing and incentivizing performance, measuring results and ROI.

Preserving Your Success:

Increasing Your Success:

Building infrastructure, avoiding liability, problem-solving, and protecting your company’s reputation as an employer.

Developing the mindset inside your company that becomes the brand you want to have outside, attracting talent, developing leaders, optimizing and incentivizing performance, measuring results and ROI.

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  • Cláudia Is Extremely Personable And Really Connects With People....

    "I recently hired Cláudia to deliver Leadership Development Training to our entire management team at my organization, and also to conduct our Sexual Harassment Prevention Training. The feedback from our managers was outstanding. Cláudia is extremely personable and really connects with people."
    Anette Nelson
  • Visionary, Strategic, Proactive...

    "Cláudia Schwartz is the archetypal Human Resource “leader”: visionary, strategic, proactive. If you need expert HR advice, seek Claudia. Claudia is the mentor/coach I think of when I want to increase my HR Director’s effectiveness."
    Brett Mosher
  • I Believe Her Work Is A Gift...

    "Cláudia Schwartz is an individual who I have championed for over 15 years because I can trust her and the work that she does. Professionally and personally, she has assisted all of the people to whom I have referred her. I believe her work is a gift they have received in terms of her competence, ability, experience, professionalism, and doing the right thing. I turn Cláudia over to Vistage members and others to whom I recommend her, and I can walk away. I don’t have to worry. That is important to me."
    Ozzie (Austin) Gontang
  • I Highly Recommend Her Without Reservation...

    "Cláudia is an outstanding resource for any aspect of the Human Resource field and I highly recommend her without reservation. I first met her in 2001 when she gave an extensive HR culture session to my Northern California Vistage group. I was so impressed with her insights on creating a successful culture that I kept her contact information handy for any future HR/culture opportunities. She ultimately worked with me on 2 different projects. The first was a change management issue and the second was hiring a replacement HR executive. In both cases, Cláudia was great to work with. She was very knowledgeable with great insights. She also had the ability to give thoughtful feedback/course correction advice in a direct, but effective way. In the case of filling the HR Executive position, her advice and counsel resulted in an outstanding hire that was critical in then helping my company successfully navigate major opportunities and changes."
    Duane Nelsen
  • She Reads Between The Lines...

    "I really trust Cláudia’s expertise in HR strategic planning and metrics. She was instrumental in helping us frame all aspects of our HR strategy and dashboard process. If not for Cláudia, we would never have identified the right strategies to be in full alignment with the business. She reads between the lines, sifts through, and makes things clear and concise. She is easy to work with and has a very strong client satisfaction orientation. We think the world of Cláudia and look forward to working with her for years to come."
    Daryl Smith